Ben and Harry (and KYD-X)
Ben the normal Dad
According to Ben he is just a normal dad doing normal dad stuff. We think he totally underestimates the impact he is having, not only on his son Harry's life, but on the wider community.
Go back six years, when Harry was born premature at 24 weeks. Ben says that its a miracle that Harry pulled through and that his family is so lucky to have him with them.
Ben and Harry recently made headlines in Adelaide where the families lives, as Harry played his first football game using a support called an "Upsee". Hear about this in their interview on radio, where older brother Austin supports Harry, while his dad chats to the radio presenter. The joy for Harry to be able to play in this exhibition game was obvious for both father and son. Ben says its so great for him to be referred to as Harry and not as the 'boy in the wheelchair'. Ben is adamant that he is just a normal dad doing normal fatherly things.
Finding Therapies & Services was tough
But having a child with cerebral palsy meant that Ben was spending an enormous amount of time researching and looking for services, supports and therapies that would help him achieve an extraordinary life for his son. Ben got tired of using Google and researching, only to find that the innovative or leading edge therapies were available overseas.
That's when he decided it was time to do something about the situation.
Helping People Make Informed Choices
"I am a big believer in people making informed choices and helping people make choices". With this in mind, Ben came up with the idea of bringing together a group of innovative, passionate providers under one roof, sharing what they could offer young people with a disability and in so doing, he would be helping these time-poor families save time. Time which they don't have because of all the hours and hours of therapies parents are doing with their children.
KYD-X is born
And so from a place of need and frustration and with a bold vision, KYD-X was born. Four years ago Ben and his team hosted the first ever South Australian expo for kids and youth, giving providers the opportunity to showcase their early intervention and services for young people. Fast forward four years, and KYD-X has over 120 exhibitors registered for their fourth event on Saturday 12th October. Not only will it involve exhibitors but a sports zone to try out wheelchair sports, football, blind golf and cricket, a petting zoo and performances from arts groups.
If you are a young person with a disability, a family or provider wanting to find out more, call Ben or visit KYD-X.