Is your doctor taking an holistic approach to your health?
At myCareSpace we believe all issues related to our health should be approached holistically. To be fair the healthcare system in Australia does not always ''dovetail'' neatly into other support structures on offer. From talking to our members, and from personal experience we believe our collective ecosystem would benefit from closer collaboration across different sectors - healthcare, disability, education etc. For example, how often is a person with a newly diagnosed disability, disease or chronic pain condition sent home and left to deal with the implications and work out ''the next steps'' alone with their nearest and dearest? While no-one denies the comfort derived from having the financial implications taken care of, but what about the inevitable mental, emotional and social fall-out?
At myCarespace we applaud those healthcare professionals who seek out opportunities to adopt an holistic approach to managing a person''s health. In our view this should not be regarded as best-practice but as standard practice.
That's how they approach things at 'Coastal Neurosurgery'', one of our valued partner. Here's what they say:
There is a mental aspect to every physical ailment. How we react to, and cope with this varies greatly from person to person.
Some physical diseases are thought to be particularly prone to be made worse by mental factors such as stress and anxiety. Those living with persistent or chronic pain often struggle for answers, and find living with their condition overwhelming. In addition, having a noticeably visible hunch from a musculoskeletal condition can cause an individual to suffer from depression.
We have partnered with the Central Coast’s leading Pyschiatry and Mental Health service, the Sunnyside Clinic, located at Brisbane Water Private Hospital (Woy Woy), in the provision of expert mental health and psychiatry/psychological services relating to associated pain and wellbeing disorders.