Landing Autism | MyCareSpace


Support for parents who have just received a diagnosis and are wondering 'what next?'

Also information about how to go about getting a diagnosis.

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Applying for the NDIS Autism

Applying for the NDIS Autism

How to apply for the NDIS. And then how to prepare for your planning meeting

What assessments/reports do you need? How to write goals.

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Writing Goals

Writing Goals

Get help with writing goals in preparation for your NDIS planning meeting.

How many do you need and what kind if goals should you be writing to get the most flexible funding

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Answering questions like:
How much therapy is enough therapy? When should you start therapy? How can I find therapy?

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Life Stages

Life Stages

Help with life stages like potty training and doing chores.

Also resources for tackling puperty and sex ed.

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Getting Social

Getting Social

Get help finding social options for young autistics and neurodivergent people. 

Also find resources to help you build social skills

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