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Paralympian Skier Melissa Perrine wins Bronze!

Melissa smiling

Paralympian Skier Melissa Perrine wins Bronze!

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Meet our latest medalist at the 2018 Paralympian Games, Melissa Perrine.

This is what she was saying before the paralympics:

30 minutes with Steve Plain

Steve standing at Stella point on Mount Kilimanjaro

30 minutes with Steve Plain

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Occasionally, there are people you meet that leave a lasting impression.  Steve Plain is one of those guys. After only chatting to him (and his mum!) for 30 minutes, read why:

Maia Proves Mum Wrong

Maia wearing a pink hat at kindy

Maia Proves Mum Wrong

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Remember Maia from a year ago? Mum, Malia tells us about how it felt letting her go on the first day of kindy!...

"Well this year Maia started 4 year old kindy.  She attends 15 hours a week and has funding for an aide for 10 of those hours.  I was excited for her and myself. 

I thought she would enjoy spending time with other children and participating in all those messy play activities daddy had banned from the house, such as: painting, playdough, sand and textas.  I would also be child free for a few hours, for the first time in 11 years!   

Jason the Aerial Artist

Jason Lam before his accident

Jason the Aerial Artist

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"My name is Jason. I'm an aerial artist. I was a fulltime sushi chef. I got into pole. I ended up loving it a lot but I wanted a little more of a challenge and then I found aerial arts.

I ended up really falling in love with aerial arts so I kinda took it full time. Aerial arts is so much fun but it can be very dangerous. I didn't expect my equipment to break....

Randa's Story: Mum makes a plea after her son on the autism spectrum is bullied

Randa holds up a banner that says, "you can make the world a better place"

Randa's Story: Mum makes a plea after her son on the autism spectrum is bullied

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My son Richard has autism. I can now make this statement easily, it just rolls out; but there were times in the past that it would catch in my throat.

Randa Halberih is a mother of 2 from Sydney. Her autistic son, Richie experienced a heartbreaking bullying incident at schood and instead of calling the school, she attempted to speak directly with his peers. Together with her daughter Emily, they created a video that very night. The video seemed to hit a nerve.

Virtual Support Connection Service

virtual connection service for ndis participants

Are you Self Managing and finding it overwhelming ?

Or you have received your NDIS plan and don't know where to start?

Let MyCareSpace connect you with the service providers you need to bring your NDIS plan to Life 

Olivia is paving the way for others

Olivia stands in a purple formal dress, speaking from a folder

Olivia is paving the way for others

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Doctors' predictions arent always accurate

Olivia Hargroder was born in a time where expectations for the quality of life for children with Down Syndrome were low. Doctors predicted that she would be unable to speak and use a wheelchair her whole life. Today, Olivia is a strong voice and advocate for the inclusion and equality of people with disabilities in society

Olivia breaks down stereotypes