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Changing the Perception of My Disability through My Career

Carly posing, wearing a yellow dress and jean jacket

Changing the Perception of My Disability through My Career

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My name is Carly. I am a writer, speaker, blogger and appearance activist. 

As a child, I never thought I had a disability. I was just Carly with the skin problem. My skin was red and scaly, itchy and painful all my life, and that was that. My parents did a great job with my treatment, but I didn't feel I was treated any differently. I still had to do jobs for pocket money and I was sent to a mainstream school. 

My Life is better now than before the diagnosis

Close up portrait of Glenda standing against a tree

My Life is better now than before the diagnosis

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My name is Glenda. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a sister-in-law, a friend and a pharmacist.  Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s Disease or ‘’PD’’. Parkinson’s does not define who I am.

Have Wheelchair Will Travel

Photo of the header of author's blog

Have Wheelchair Will Travel

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We came across this Blog website when looking for Travel resources for the MyCareSpace community and thought it would behelpful. A Sydney family share their travel experiences and recommendations.

Have wheelchair will travel writing

We are a Sydney based family of four trying to find our way around tricky situations so we can do as much as possible, despite a wheelchair being part of our package.

Brett - Life with no arms

Brett Nielsen holding a coffee mug in his toes.

Brett - Life with no arms

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Channel 9 showed this incredible documentary quite some time ago, about Brett Nielsen, Australia's first Thalidomide baby who was born with no arms. It was titled  'Brett: A life with no arms".

It was perhaps the opening scene where Brett is on his way to the supermarket, driving his 2 door Mercedes sports car with his feet (toes on steering wheel) that caught my attention.

After the first 10min I was in awe.

Do you wanna dance? PS: Wheelchair required!

2 men holding a dance position in a horizontal position. One in a wheelchair.

Do you wanna dance? PS: Wheelchair required!

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Disability Sports Australia made the following announcement this week and we are super excited to see the Aussies get into the groove!

Surfing dog teaches disabled kids to surf!

Ricochet the surfing dog balanced on a surfboard with young quadreplegic Patrick

Surfing dog teaches disabled kids to surf!

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In the words of Judy the owner and trainer of Ricochet, Kleenex alert!

We stumbled across this story and video and just had to share it in this space: This service dog to SURFice dog story is about what we all want -- to be encouraged to discover who we really are... to be accepted... to find our life purpose... and to be celebrated for being different.