Jeremy the Dud - A film about disability that flips discrimination on its head!
Imagine an alternate universe where disability is the norm and those without are patronised, made to wear lanyards with the label "Without Specialty", and teased for being "duds".
Jeremy the Dud, a new film starring Nick Boshier from Bondi Hipsters, is a carefully observed comedy based on the real-life experiences of people with disabilities and the kinds of casual, well-meaning, infuriating discrimination they cop every day.
Jeremy, played by Nick, is an able-bodied man who just wants to be independent; to have a job and maybe a place of his own. "Duds" can get menial jobs as cleaners or bottom-wipers but aren't considered capable of "proper jobs", like making coffee. Those jobs go to people with a disability; only they are capable enough.
Jeremy the Dud was made in partnership with the not-for-profit organisation genU, which helps people with disability reach their full potential.
Of the 24 actors in the film, 22 have a disability.
Watch this insighful and humourous short film. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!