Insta Star Fifi and her Mum
If having 10,000 followers makes you an instagram star then Finley and her mum are instagram rock stars.
Finley was adopted by her parents in 2013. Finley was born at 31 weeks and being 9 weeks premature doctors did not know at the time if she would have any long term health issues. At 15 months she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It was tough for mum Christina, who admits to being very depressed at the time. She tried to find other mums to support her and connect with. It was not easy but she did find one that she connected with.
Now Christina raises awareness of the condition with a blog and Instagram account of her and Finley wearing matching outfits. While some might raise an eyebrow, we live in a world where everyone deals with things differently. This is a classic case of where one family is using social media to raise awareness and normalise cerebral palsy - and how can that not be a good thing?
What do you think?
Christina says: "We're here to offer encouragement to others who will need to walk in these shoes behind us. Through all of the ups and downs we will keep it real, and honest, as the life of any Mom can be stressful and messy. Let's laugh together, cry together, and learn to spread awareness by learning from each other's experiences!"