Where to find accessible beaches across Australia
How to find an Accessible Beach near you
The Accessible Beach Directory has the most detailed directory listing of accessible beaches in Australia! Near or far - find an accessible beach wherever you are.
The beach is for everyone.
At Accessible Beaches Australia they believe that the beach is for everyone and they advocate for an inclusive experience for all Australians of all abilities, neurodiversity and age.
How to maximise your SIL funding with an Acquired Brain Injury
Whether you are applying for funding for SIL, or are already accessing SIL services, it is important to understand how SIL is funded in your NDIS plan and what is included and excluded when it comes to SIL supports.
There is often confusion about how SIL can be funded in your home or a home you share with others.
Is Physiotherapy funded for Cerebral Palsy in the NDIS?
This part of NDIS funding is used to help a Participant with cerebral palsy reach their goals of improved mobility and independence. It will also help improve communication and social skills needed for social participation and employment.
Cerebral Palsy and the NDIS
Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect normal movement in different parts of the body. This condition can cause problems with posture, manner of walking (gait), muscle tone, and coordination of movement.
Cerebral Palsy and SIL - Back to Basics
Cerebral palsy is a physical disability that affects movement across different parts of the body.
This is due to damage to the brain, occurring either during pregnancy, at birth or shortly after birth.
Cerebral Palsy - Understanding SIL in your NDIS Plan
Whether you are applying for funding for SIL, or are already accessing SIL services, it is important to understand how SIL is funded in your NDIS plan and what is included and excluded when it comes to SIL supports.
How to get funding for SIL with Cerebral Palsy
The NDIS have eligibility criteria that must be met before the funding for any support is included in your NDIS plan. This includes Supported Independent Living (SIL)
Find out how this eligibility works.
Cerebral Palsy Early Diagnosis
A diagnosis of cerebral palsy can now be made for children under 6 months of age.
Getting the right diagnosis early means your child can start with appropriate interventions and supports to reach their best potential.
Cerebral Palsy & Assistive Technology in the NDIS
"What assistive technology can I use my NDIS funds to help with Cerebral Palsy?"
Our resident OT to tell us what type of equipment she regularly prescribes to assist NDIS Participants with Cerebral Palsy.