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Puberty is challenging for any teenager. Talking about sex can be difficult for any parent. But for families with adolescents with autism, the topic can be particularly challenging.
These teens often lag developmentally behind their typically developing peers. They may need help understanding the basics of consent and figuring out how to set appropriate boundaries. Those who are beginning to explore romantic relationships may need more explicit instruction on the social norms that go along with dating.
Meet Oli Hunter a Comedian with Cerebral Palsywho shares how he navigates life as a person with cerebral palsy and as an aspiring comedian.
He shares dating tips and finishes with 10minutes of his best gear!
Organisations that make an extra effort to recruit, retain, and nurture neurodivergent workers can gain a competitive edge from increased diversity in skills, ways of thinking, and approaches to problem-solving.
The term “neurodivergent” describes people whose brain differences affect how their brain works.
That means they have different strengths and challenges than people whose brains don’t have those differences.