What are the Low Risk and High Risk NDIS Registration Groups? | MyCareSpace

What are the Low Risk and High Risk NDIS Registration Groups?

service provider standing behind his computer
Service Providers

When a provider decides to register as an NDIS Service Provider, they will need to select the NDIS registration groups that they wish to include in their registration application.

These registration groups will determine the type of services the provider can deliver under the NDIS.

A prospective NDIS provider will need to match the services that they are currently providing or plan to provide with the relevant NDIS registration groups.

What services does each NDIS Registration Group include?

Here is a list of all NDIS registration groups  and the kind of services that are included in each group. It also includes who may be qualified to deliver these services.

These groups are referred to as to the NDIS Categories of service and have been described as either Low Risk or High Risk Categories.

Low Risk Categories vs High Risk Categories

A common question is what are the NDIS low risk categories? The following are termed Low Risk Categories. 

Low Risk NDIS Categories

  • Assistance Animals
  • Assistance with Travel/Transport Arrangements
  • Assistive Equipment for Recreation
  • Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
  • Assistive Products in Household Tasks
  • Communication and Information Equipment
  • Community Nursing Care
  • Custom Prostheses and Orthoses
  • Exercise Physiology and Personal Well-being Activities
  • Hearing Equipment
  • Hearing Services
  • Home Modification Design and Construction
  • Household Tasks (includes gardening, cleaning, home maintenance etc)
  • Innovative Community Participation
  • Interpreting and Translation
  • Management of Funding for Supports
  • Personal Mobility Equipment
  • Specialised Driver Training
  • Specialised Hearing Services
  • Therapeutic Supports
  • Vehicle Modifications
  • Vision Equipment

High Risk NDIS Categories

  • Assistance to Access and Maintain Employment or Higher Education [Assist Access/Maintain Employ]
  • High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
  • Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports [Life Stage, Transition]
  • Daily Personal Activities
  • Specialist Positive Behaviour Support
  • Assistance with Daily Life Tasks in a Group or Shared Living Arrangement [Daily Tasks/Shared Living]
  • Development of Daily Living and Life Skills [Development-Life Skills]
  • Early Intervention Supports for Early Childhood
  • Participation in Community, Social, and Civil Activities [Participate Community]
  • Specialist Disability Accommodation [Specialist Accom]
  • Support Coordination
  • Specialised Supported Employment
  • Group and Centre-Based Activities [Group/Centre Activities]

NDIS Registration groups affect the type of audit you will need

Depending on the NDIS registration groups you register for, you may require a ‘Certification’ audit or a ‘Verification’ audit.

What are NDIS Verification Audits?

Verification Audits are conducted off-site. The auditors review policies and other organisational documentation, provide a report and then make their recommendation to the NDIS Commission.

What are NDIS Certification Audits?

Certification Audits are conducted in two stages, and are a lot larger (and more expensive) than the Verification audit.

  1. Stage 1: Document review — the auditors will review your policies, and may ask for examples of how you’ve implemented your policies. You will receive a report at the end of Stage 1 that will identify any Areas of Concern, which the auditor will examine more closely in Stage 2.
  2. Stage 2: This is an onsite visit from the auditors to review your documentation (again) and examine issues that were noted as Areas of Concern in Stage 1. They will also review staff files and participant files.
  3. Interviews: Auditors interview staff and participants to confirm that policies are understood and put into practice. Participants’ involvement in the NDIS audits are on an ‘opt-out’ basis. You must ask your participants whether they want to be involved. If they don’t, always document the reason why. Document everything!
  4. Audit Report: At the end of Stage 2, you will get a report. Non-conformances will be highlighted in the report. The auditors will require you to create a ‘Corrective Action Plan’ detailing how will you fix the problems identified.

It is important to note that if you provide a combination of low and high-risk registration groups, you will still be required to undergo a certification audit

How much can I charge for my NDIS Service?

The NDIS Support Catalogue is a price list of NDIS services. This is an excellent guide as to how much you can charge for your particular service under the NDIS.

It's presented as an EXCEL spreadsheet so its easiest to look at the relevant Registration Group or search for the type of service you provide using keywords (e.g cleaning, gardening etc), and then you can look up the applicable rate.

Tip: "Assistance With Self-Care Activities" includes the services of a support worker.

View the Latest NDIS Price List here.


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Our Connections Team at MyCareSpace are linked in with a range of providers offering telehealth services with availability. Let our team help you navigate the NDIS and find the right service for you.
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