WEBINAR: NDIS Goal Setting and its Connection to your Plan | MyCareSpace

WEBINAR: NDIS Goal Setting and its Connection to your Plan


Our Panelists covered 3 important topics:

  • Getting started with setting NDIS goals
  • Understanding how my goals link to my NDIS Plan
  • Writing goals for your Planning meeting or Plan Review meeting

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Audio Version


For Support Coordinators


Allied Health Professionals and other providers


Goal Setting


Self-managers or those who are interested in self-management:

Specific Questions asked on Registration

Q: Examples of goals for high functioning ASD boy who mostly needs social skills?

I would like to increase social and community participation and improve my social skills

Support Categories

  • Core - social and community participation
  • Capacity - Increased social and community participation
  • Capacity - Improved Relationships – social skills training
  • Capacity - Improved Daily Living – speech, psych.

Q: How to write goals that cover activities to assist gross motor skills, general coordination which can improve one’s daily living skills?

  • I would like to increase my independence and gross motor skills
  • Improved Daily Living is where OT funding lives – 1:1 or group
  • Consider that repeated practice leads to increased skills, so stretch budget through therapy assistant or implementation by core supports

Q: How to write goals related to housing and independent living?

I would like to:

  • Investigate Housing Solutions
  • Live independently – doesn’t mean alone

Q How does goal setting change if one is self-managing or being plan managed or agency managed?

I don’t think it does.The way that you manage funds just opens up more innovation and options in the way that you use your funds. Self Management allows for the most flexibility, innovation and efficiency of funds management if you have the capacity to do so. See resources on Self Management above.

Q: I s there lists of specific items we can request?

Check the price guide!

Q: How to get supports for social skills?

  • Teaching skills – psych, speechy, OT, behaviour therapist – various methods to teach skills
  • Practice – peers
  • Coaching at the point of performance
  • Technology prompts

Q: How does one goal plan to get equipment? 

  • What kind of equipment?  Mobility support - wheelchair? Personal Care support – shower chair?
  • Technical name is Assistive Technology
  • Recommendation by professional – OT, speechy
  • Quote submitted to NDIA (no more predictive planning)
  • R & N decision made
  • Service booking
  • Registered provider can then claim and order equipment
  • Low Risk Low Cost AT – level 1 or 2. 
  • Small budget of around $500 or $1000 to purchase items. 
  • Often self managed.

Q: What goals give one access to respite?

Respite has been reimagined as Short Term Accomodation.

In the past ‘respite’ focussed on the carer.  The concept was that caring for a loved one with a disability created a ‘burden’ and that carers needed a ‘break from caring responsbilities’.

Short Term Accommodation focuses on the participant.  It offers the participant the chance to have a break away from home, have new experiences, foster independence and build capacity.

That all might sound like words, but can everyone see the shift in the narrative away from the old way of thinking towards the new?


Our Panelists

Linda Hughes Charmaine Fraser
Linda Hughes  Charmaine Fraser


Linda is a Director and one of the original founders of Mind the Gap. She is a self-management specialist who is committed to assisting people with disability to self-direct their support and live the life of their choosing.  

Linda and her son self-manage his NDIS plan and together they find creative solutions to ensure he enjoys a good and typical life in the community.


Charmaine is a Director at Mind The Gap and has been working as a Support Coordinator with NDIS Participants since the NDIS launch in 2013. She has made it her personal quest to learn everything she can about the NDIS. (Just quietly we think she has achieved this already!)

Charmaine has two children, the eldest of which has autism, and she self-manages his NDIS plan.

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