New to the NDIS?
The NDIS is full of opportunity and potential for you! It can also easily become very overwhelming and confusing. Take the time you need to set up your supports before diving into spending your funding. This will lead to better outcomes for you and ensures you use your funding most effectively.
Setting up supports can be tricky to navigate alone, especially if you do not have the right people in your corner to support and guide you. The steps below outline how you may go about setting up your NDIS services.
Setting Up NDIS Services
When you are ready, take the next steps in setting up your services.
This can involve:
- Referring to a Support Coordinator
- Engaging with a Plan Manager
- Getting in contact with therapists
- Accessing assistive technology
- Getting support for your daily living needs
- Considering your accessibility needs (current home environment and future accommodation needs)
Support Coordinator
If you have funding for Support Coordination, you will find this in your Capacity Building budget.
Let the MyCareSpace Connections Team find you a Support Coordinator in your local area who has experience with your disability.
Plan Manager
Your plan may be self, plan or NDIA managed. It is important to know that the management type can differ across your various budgets. Here is a guide on NDIS Self and Plan Management.
If you are plan managed for any of your funding, this will be stated at the end of each budget in your NDIS plan, as highlighted below:
How to find the right Plan Manager?
Finding a Plan Manager who has experience with NDIS participants with physical disabilities ensures they will be confident in supporting you.
Here are some questions you may ask prospective plan managers:
- What are common disabilities/conditions your participants have?
- What budgets can I access assistive technology and consumables?
- Please explain low, mid and high cost assistive technology?
- How do I pay for short term accommodation?
If the Plan Manager can confidently answer the above questions, it is likely that they will be a good match for you.
You are welcome to contact Plan Hero for assistance in managing your NDIS plan.
How is Plan Management funded?
Funding for plan management is located in the Improved Life Choices section of the Capacity Building budget.
Get in Contact with Therapists
Therapists are also referred to as Allied Health Providers.
They are qualified health professionals who will seek to help you build your capacity and independence to reach your goals. It is important to find the right therapist for you.
Therapists you may benefit from seeing may include:
- Occupational Therapy, for a functional capacity assessment and further assessment and intervention. Services may involve prescription of assistive technology/equipment.
- Physiotherapy, to address the physical difficulties associated with your disability. Physios can also prescribe assistive technology/equipment.
- Exercise Physiology, to address your health and well-being through exercise and movement, also potentially involving assistive technology/equipment prescription depending on your needs.
The MyCareSpace Connections Team can help you find the right therapist for you.
Consider whether the therapist provides services to a range of NDIS participants with varied conditions, or if their work is more refined to support individuals with your specific disability. You may find this information on their website or by speaking with the therapist directly before scheduling an assessment.
There are other therapists available that you may benefit from, depending on your needs related to your specific disability. This may include a Speech Pathologist, Orthotist, Dietician etc.
How is therapy funded?
Funding for therapists can be found in the Improved Daily Living section of your Capacity Building budget.
How to get in touch with a therapist?
You can contact a therapist directly for an assessment, or you can request your Support Coordinator to source therapist options for you.
If you would like further support, apply to become a MyCareSpace VIP Member for FREE where you will be linked in with local services to you.
How do I access Assistive Technology?
Understanding how assistive technology is funded is important in order to know how assistive technology can benefit you. Learn about Understanding Assistive Technology for an overview of the basics.
Knowledge of the Different Levels of NDIS Assistive Technology will help you approach purchasing assistive technology across the low, mid and high cost categories using your NDIS budget.
The level of cost will determine how you access the assistive technology you need. For low cost items below $1,500, this process can be completed with or without a therapist involved. Learn more about Purchasing Low Cost Assistive Technology and Consumables here.
Consult your therapist to explore mid and high cost assistive technology needs (over $1,500). You may also wish to familiarise yourself with assistive technology available by exploring the AT Australia Product Search Guide.
How do I get support for day to day living?
Think about the following:
Do you need someone to help you get out of bed in the morning? Assist with your morning routine? Showering and dressing?
Perhaps you might need assistance with cooking, cleaning or completing your laundry?
Or driving to your doctor appointments and completing shopping?
The NDIS can fund disability support workers to assist with all of the above (and more) depending on what you need. To identify your support needs, it is helpful to complete a Functional Capacity Assessment with an Occupational Therapist who will provide recommendations for support.
Alternatively, discuss your needs with your Support Coordinator, or you can access supports directly by yourself.
How is it funded? Assistance with daily activities and with social and community participation is located in your Core Support budget.
The MyCareSpace Connections Team can help you find a support worker that has the right skills and experience with your disability, get in touch with our Connections team.
Accessibility needs - can I get around my home?
Your home may not meet your needs related to your disability. Consider if there are potential barriers in the following locations:
Front access - Are there steps to the front door? Do I have a steep driveway? Where can I park my car? What is the condition of the footpath?
Internal access - Are there steps inside my home? how wide are my doorways? Can I manage hinge doors? What is the layout of my home - single or multi level? Is my bedroom far from the bathroom?
Bathroom - Is there a step into my shower? Is my shower head fixed or hand held? How high is my toilet? Does the space allow for use of assistive technology I may have or need? Is there also space for one or two support workers if needed?
You must also consider your kitchen, living/dining areas, laundry and any additional points of access into the home.
If your home doesn’t meet your needs related to your physical disability, the NDIS offers different options, including:
Minor Home Modifications, involving non-structural changes to increase the functionality of the space.
Complex Home Modifications, involving big changes to a room or various areas of your home. The Home Modifications Explained page by the NDIA provides further detail.
Specialist Disability Accommodation, referred to as SDA, offers various accessible housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. The Specialist Disability Accommodation Explained page by the NDIA provides further detail.
You can refer to an Occupational Therapist who can assess your needs for minor or complex home modifications, or for SDA. Before proceeding with any assessment, enquire about the Occupational Therapist’s experience with providing these services. Find an Occupational Therapist with capacity to see you:
Ongoing support for my physical disability
When you gained access to the NDIS, you had to prove that your disability is permanent and life-long. Your NDIS supports must support you across the span of your life, throughout all of your life stages. Engaging with client-focussed, quality-driven and caring service providers will make all the difference in your experience with navigating the NDIS.
The MyCareSpace Team can help you find the supports you need
MyCareSpace offers a concierge service that connects you directly with local providers who have availability and can meet your needs.