MyCareSpace | Connecting people living with a disability with supports in their local area and to information about the NDIS

Spend your time on the things you love

Let us do the NDIS Provider search for you, connecting you with verified support and therapy providers with availability
Find Providers Or call 1300 2888 93


Connect me with therapy

How MyCareSpace works

Our free NDIS Navigators help you connect with verified local therapy providers who have availability or short waitlists
Get Started
  • 1
    Submit a request and tell us about your needs

    We need details about the person who needs support: their disability, location and preferences.

  • 2
    We look for NDIS Providers with availability

    We match your needs with verified, local support and therapy providers, confirming their availability.

  • 3
    We send you Providers to choose from

    We help you sign up immediately so that you can get your support or therapy started.

Our free NDIS Navigators connect you with verified local NDIS Providers who have both the skills to meet their needs and immediate availability.
Get Connected
  • 1
    Submit a request and tell us about your Participant's needs

    We need details about the person who needs support: their disability, location and preferences.

  • 2
    We look for NDIS Providers with availability

    We match your needs with verified, local support or therapy providers, confirming their availability.

  • 3
    We connect you or your client with verified NDIS Providers

    We help them sign up immediately so that you can get your support or therapy started.

Prefer to find your own providers?

Browse service providers that pass our thorough checks to ensure they’re providing services in line with NDIS requirements.

We’ve helped over 50,000 families

Support for every stage of your NDIS journey

Don’t have an NDIS plan yet?
Find information
Have an NDIS plan and need help finding providers?
Get support
Prefer to find your own service providers?
Search providers

Your NDIS Navigators are ready to help

Our friendly Connections Team take away the stress by doing the search for you, finding local NDIS Providers that meet your needs to choose from.
Get started Or call 1300 2888 93
Our team of experts is ready to help

Information and resources

From getting started with the NDIS to maximising your Plan, our
library of resources has helpful information for every stage of your journey.
Popular resources
Purple wallet with a I love the NDIS sticker on it
Understanding your NDIS Plan Funding Categories
Two men seated in living room enjoying a conversation
Understanding Supported Independent Living and Intellectual Disability
A diagnosis of an Intellectual Disability may mean you have have high support needs. You can receive support at home through Supported Independent Living (SIL).
Smiling woman seated in wheelchair in her displaying victory sign with fingers
Cerebral Palsy - Understanding SIL in your NDIS Plan
There is often confusion about how SIL can be funded in your home or a home you share with others. Continue reading to learn more about SIL.