Buying second-hand assistive technology can help spread your funds that little bit further or perhaps you are even looking to sell assistive technology that you no longer need.
There are a number of Facebook groups that help people sell, swap and buy second-hand disability equipment:
- Second-hand equipment for children with disability in Australia
- Disability Equipment Australia for Sale or Swap
- Buy and Sell Disability Products Australia - new and used
- Disability and Special Needs Equipment Australia - Buy, Sell Swap or Free
The following Assistive Technology websites also offer the ability to buy or sell second-hand equipment:
- MediAids Marketplace - Buy and Sell second-hand disability equipment
- E-bility Buy and Sell
- E-bility Buy and Sell Children's Equipment
- Buy Second Hand AT Register
- How to sell Second Hand AT on the AT Register
- List your product for sale in the SPIRE Newsletter (VIC only)
- TAD Equip Second Hand Equipment
- Trading Post - Mobility Aids
General Trading Websites:
If you are self-managing you can use your NDIS funds to buy second-hand equipment so long as:
- You can answer YES to the "Can I buy it with my NDIS funding?" section in the NDIS Self Management Guide (page 8) and
- You have a receipt and the details of the transaction. If the transaction is made in person, type up the receipt with the sellers details, date, item description and cost and have the seller sign it. If the transaction was made online, keep a copy of the emaill or even a screen shot of the transaction.
For more information about buying Second-hand Equipment:
- Download AT Australia Guidelines for Buying Second-Hand Equipment for People with Disability
- Download AT Australia @ a Glance Guide about Buying Second-hand Equipment