This topic is particularly important to us, as a dear friend and participant we support passed away this week. She was brave and a fighter and we won't forget her - RIP Sonia.
Who to Notify
It’s important to notify the NDIS when a Participant has passed away.
You can do this by calling the National Contact Centre (NCC) on 1800 800 110
You need to provide the participant’s:
- name,
- address,
- date of birth
- NDIS number (if you know it)
Alternatively, you can complete this form:
Notify the NDIA when a participant dies form (DOCX 72KB)
Once completed, there are a few ways you can return the form to the NDIA:
- Email the form to enquiries@ndis.gov.au
- Mail the form to NDIA, GPO Box 700, Canberra ACT 2601
- In person, by visiting an Early Childhood Partner, Local Area Coordinator or NDIS office in your area.
Support from the NDIS
The NDIA has a Bereavement Support Team will contact you.
They are trained to provide the best support they can during this difficult time.
The Bereavement support team member will work with you to resolve any outstanding NDIS matters, including stopping any NDIS funded supports and services, as well as answer any questions you may have.
This can usually be completed in a single phone call. When contacted, you can ask for a different time if it’s not convenient.
In some cases, we may need more information to confirm the participant’s passing. If they do, they will let you know what we need.
Links for further help
Services Australia has put together some key information for what do when someone close to you dies. This information can be found at Services Australia Death and Bereavement information.
We understand this is a difficult time. Remember to take care of yourself and look after your mental and physical health.
To access confidential counselling services 24 hours, 7 days a week, call:
- Lifeline Australia on 131 114
- Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636
- MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978.
- Griefline on 1300 845 745 from 12pm to 3am AEST, 7 days a week.