What is a Stated Support in my NDIS plan? | MyCareSpace

What is a Stated Support in my NDIS plan?

the words stated support and not flexible

A 'Stated Support' in your NDIS plan means that funding has been allocated for a specific support or service, and you can't use this funding for something else. You cannot swap 'stated supports' for any other supports.

Examples of stated supports:

  • Preparation and delivery of meals
  • Support Coordination
  • Plan Management
  • Behaviour Support Plan

How do I know it's a Stated Support in my NDIS plan?

Easy, because it will say so. You may even find that some parts or a specific type of funding are stated supports and agency managed and other parts may not be.

Snippet from an NDIS plan that shows Stated Support details


Changing a Stated Support

Support needs can change over time. If you have a stated support in your NDIS Plan that no longer meets your needs, there are a couple of options.

If the requested change is small, such as the need to purchase a different model of an item that costs the same, you can ask the NDIS for a ‘light touch’ review. Light touch reviews cannot be used to request more funding.

If the requested change is more significant such as requiring additional money in one of your NDIS budgets, you’ll need to request a Plan reassessment (previously called Plan Review). To find out more here are our relevant resources about Plan Reassessments.



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