This webinar supports Participants and their families, Support Coordinators, and LACS in understanding the role that allied health providers (therapists) can play in reaching your NDIS goals and how to make the most of the funding you have.
Delivered by Occupational Therapist and Clinical Advisor, Tiffany Hurwitz (MyCareSpace) together with NDIS expert and Plan Manager, Kim Mc Murchy (Plan Hero Plan Management).
Developed to support Participants and their families, Support Coordinators, and LACS in understanding the role that Allied Health Providers (therapists) can play in helping you reach your NDIS goals and how to make the most of the NDIS therapy funding you have.
This webinar addresses the practical aspects of what type of therapy you can use with your NDIS funding. Kim explains in detail how to understand the different parts of your NDIS plan, where to find that therapy funding, and how to flexibly use it.
Tiffany explains the different types of therapy and where they can in fact cross-over or complement each other. This is particularly helpful in an environment where there is a shortage of certain therapies in many areas. She shows us how there are ways to overcome this problem by getting started with other therapies or alternative therapies.
In this 1.5 hour webinar, we covered:
- Understanding the different types of therapy and who delivers them
- What therapy can I use to reach each goal?
- Working with a ‘Multidisciplinary Team’ - what does that mean?
- Where do I find therapy funding in my NDIS plan and how much do I actually have to spend?
- How to find therapy providers with availability
Contact our MyCareSpace Connections Team if you need help finding NDIS services.
Contact Plan Hero Plan Management to find out more about this amazing Plan Manager.
View our Allied Health Resources
Tiffany is an experienced and practicing Occupational Therapist, supporting many NDIS participants. She not only delivers therapy, but also supports NDIS participants to access NDIS funding and get the most from their Planning Meeting/Plan Review (Re assessment).
She has a deep understanding of how the NDIS works within the therapy arena.
Tiffany regularly supports her clients to understand the kind of therapy that will help them reach their goals, the different types of therapies (and therapists), and how they all can work together.
As General Manager of a boutique Plan Manager (Plan Hero Plan Management), Kim has not only seen hundreds of NDIS plans, but has also had just as many conversations with Participants and their support network.
She regularly shows them where to find therapy funding in their NDIS plan, and how to make the best use of it.
In this webinar, Kim shares her 'on the ground' knowledge about how therapy funding can look in your NDIS plan, how much you actually have to spend, and how to use it (not to mention where to find it).
Who will benefit from this webinar?
This webinar is relevant to NDIS Participants, their families, and other NDIS supports like Support Coordinators, LACS and even Providers.
It is an absolute must for Participants who have an NDIS plan that has therapy funding or will be needing therapy in the future.
Perhaps you are already involved with a team of therapists and want to learn about how to maximise your funding to produce better therapy outcomes? Don't miss this session.
Service providers who are looking to learn more about allied health (therapy) supports will also find this webinar beneficial.
Featured Resources
- Decoding Allied Health - Finding the Therapist Right For Me
- How much travel can my NDIS therapist charge me?
- Prices of Therapy Assistants
- Prices of Therapy
- Writing Therapy Reports for the NDIS
- What is CB Daily Activities & Improved Daily Living Skills ?
- What is Reasonable and Necessary