Here are some ideas of things to do with a support worker, especially during home isolation.
Some tips to start with:
- Look at the goals in the plan – what activities might help you progress toward those goals?
- SMS a copy of your Companion Card (if you have one) to your trusted support workers to save trying to remember it when they go out.
- How about making a book of activity options (with photos) so that they can choose what they want to do.
Things to make at home during isolation:
Make Pasta and Cook it to eat for lunch!
Check out Jamie Oliver's video on how to make pasta with just flour and water (no pasta machine needed) - so quick and easy and you can cook and eat it too!
Maybe even make a sauce!
Tip: You can use a wine bottle as a rolling pin if you don't have one!
Get planting! You only need a tiny patch of ground. Your local Bunnings store is open for you to grab some seeds or seedlings and potting soil!
Find the sunniest spot for the best results.
Sensory Play
Playdough, puffy paint, rice, pasta, lima bean in all colours of the rainbow.
Check out these amazing recipes for creating sensory products.
Play Dough (no cook recipe)
Everyone loves play dough and making it before you get to play with it is even more fun.
Buy Xmas cookie cutters to get into the festive spirit from KMART (best option), Spotlight or Ebay. You can use food colouring to make different colours.
Kinetic Sand
Kinetic sand is a sensory masterpiece. If you haven't come across it before, it is sand that you can mould. Like a cross between sand and playdough. Feels wonderful.
You can buy coloured or fine sand at Office Works or on Ebay
You can use food colouring to make different colours if your sand is neutral.
Who doesn't love to paint? Here are some ideas for easy painting:
If eating paint is too hard to resist, here is an edible paint recipe:
Create a Leaf by Leaf Tree
Create a tree using different leaf cut outs! This project can be adapted for a wide range of ages and abilities including adults with physical, perceptual and cognitive challenges everyone can participate.
There is no pressure to “stay within the lines” as the leaves are cut-out and those who can use scissors can cut-out the leaves for those who are unable.
Idea: Adapt for Xmas: cut out solid green tree (zigzag) and stick on walll. Then let everyone colour in decorations to stick on it. Just like our wall tree below. Provide pre drawn decorations if needed.
Melted Crayon Artwork
This is a super cool idea and could involve going shopping to get the canvas and crayons beforehand, picking colours (rainbow, pastels, pinks, blues). It involves glueing crayons on a canvas and using a hairdryer to melt them.
You will need, crayons, a canvas, scissors, strong glue, a plastic cup and a hair dryer
Spotlight has stores everwhere and will most stock well-priced canvases and crayons.
*No need for a glue gun: You can use Gorilla Glue available from Bunnings and from Spotlight.
There are so many different ways to do this!
Here are some silhouettes to print out and use - easier to use a single cut out:
Watch the video on how to make it
Things to do Out and About
Watch the Ducks (or rather Pelicans)
Pelican Feeding at The Entrance in NSW looks like such fun and is accessible!
Feeding ducks in the park is bad for the ducks so maybe just visit and stop to sketch them. Another great idea is to collect their feathers to make a dream catcher.
Fly a Kite, Go for a Walk
Go for a walk with your support worker. Play a game of spot the flowers or animals. Count how many dogs you see.
Collect flowers or leaves and press them in a heavy book when you get home. Make bookmarks out of them with adhesive contact when they dry in a few days.
Fly a kite in the park.
Visit the Park
Parks hold many attractions: ducks, peacocks, birds and of course playgrounds!
They are usually accessible and many have a Liberty Swing - here is a list of parks that have Liberty Swings
Get on a Ferry
Get the wind in your hair and take a ferry ride with a bite to eat, coffee or ice-cream at your destination.
Cook a Meal
Decide that it's time to make the family dinner. Maybe even include laying the table with a theme.
Buy prepared veges so that no cutting, chopping etc needed.
Baking is the easiest and safest so consider marinated chicken pieces, chicken skewers, meat loaf, roast chicken with roasted potatoes, butternut, potato bake etc. Use aluminium bake trays to avoid washing up.
Go Whale Watching (May to Nov)
The good thing about the humpback whale migration is that they like to pay a visit to the entire coastline.
If you can get on a boat that's awesome but there are many places to watch for whales along the shore. Have a walk, watch for whales and finish with a coffee.
Go Fishing
Another great outdoors adventure! You don't have to be a fisherman to give this 'dad sport' a whirl.
Check for your local shore spots: usually a jetty or wharf where you can drop a line off the edge. No casting experience needed.
Kmart sells fishing rods ready to use starting at $15. Buy bait from your local servo.