Living with a spinal cord injury may mean you require support at home. The NDIS can fund a wide range of support to meet your needs, in your current home or in a new home environment setting if this is something you need.
MyCareSpace has developed a range of resources that explains the type of support you can receive related to your spinal cord injury, how to get funding for Supported Independent Living (SIL), whether you can live alone or live with others, what is involved in Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and also Short Term Accommodation (STA), otherwise referred to as respite.
The resources listed below are available for free via the MyCareSpace website.
What support can I receive with a Spinal Cord Injury?
With your NDIS funding, you can access support services in the home and community. Support services you receive can be tailored directly to your disability-specific needs related to your spinal cord injury.
How to Get Funding for Supported Independent Living (SIL)
The NDIS has eligibility criteria that must be met by the funding for any support to be included in your NDIS plan. This includes SIL. SIL is typically funded for those who require support for:
- 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, including overnight support.
- Of these 24 hours, you require active or direct support for 8 hours or more
The support you require must relate directly to your diagnosis of a spinal cord injury and any other co-occurring conditions recognised by the NDIS.
Supported Independent Living (SIL) - Living Alone or With Others?
Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a service that can be offered in a home that you own, rent, access through a community housing service or in an SDA property. SIL can be provided to you in a sole-occupancy setting. This means you can live alone and access a SIL service. You can also share SIL with others.
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is funded by the NDIS for participants who require their physical home environment to cater to their needs related to their disability. To be approved for SDA, you need to demonstrate that you have a significant functional impairment or have very high support needs directly related to your spinal cord injury.
Short Term Accommodation (STA)
Short Term Accommodation is funding allocated to an NDIS participant to live out of home for a short period of time. It is often described as respite. Funding for short-term accommodation is allocated in the Core Support Budget of your NDIS Plan.
Need help accessing support?
The MyCareSpace Connections Team can assist you to navigate the NDIS and find the right support provider for you. In one request, you can select up to five different services you wish to explore!
Our Connections Team will then be in touch with you directly to connect you with service providers with capacity.