The Carers NSW Mental Health Respite
The Carers NSW Mental Health Respite: Carer Support (MHR:CS) program is a time limited service available in the South Eastern Sydney region.
MHR:CS is for anyone who supports a family member or friend living with severe mental illness, such as depression, schizophrenia or anxiety.
Research shows how important carers and families are in supporting people living with severe mental illness, and assisting them in their recovery journeys.
Caring can be rewarding but it can also be challenging. It can be difficult to cope and to stay connected to friends, family and the community. Families of a person living with mental illness face unique challenges and they often need support to help the person they care for on their recovery journey.
Types of Support
MHR:CS can help people deal with some of the challenges in their caring role, and be better supported now and into the future. In can help them to:
- come to terms with the mental illness
- understand the mental illness and how it can be managed
- understand and access the NDIS
The Program
The program provides:
- one on one support
- access to counselling through the National Carers Counselling Program
- education
- access to respite
- opportunities to take a break from caring
- information and support to transition to the NDIS
The program is available until 30th June 2019 and the aim is to reach out to as many people as possible in the coming months.
Time and Place
Where: Randwick, full venue details available on registration
When: Second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Eligibility Criteria Apply
Eligibility criteria applies, including that the person must live in the South Eastern Sydney region.
Contact Details
To discuss further please contact Carers NSW on 1800 242 636 and speak to one of our team or email mhrcs@carersnsw.org.au