Here are some key tips from Moira Mannion, one of our highest rated physiotherapists on MyCareSpace, on how a physiotherapist can assist you with your goals and how these goals can be included in your NDIS Plan.
The goals you include in your NDIS plan should be as broad as possible. You might not even think of including improved mobility and independence, but this is exaclty what you should be thinking about.
Remember the NDIS is all about increasing peoples' independence and there is a massive focus on increased social and community participation. With just a little more mobility this might be the little nudge you need to get out and about more.
To get the most out of your plan, you need to think of everything you do or would like to do, from brushing your teeth to getting into bed. If you can't yet do these things unassisted, think about what might get you there.
In your NDIS Planning meeting share your notes with the LAC including things like:
I would like more mobility to help me:
- get in or out of bed on my own
- do more of my own personal care activities like bathing or showering, getting dressing myself or eating
- be able to move around my home, garden or neighbourhood
- get out more in my community especially with social activities
- start developing skills like cooking or budgeting
- find a new adaptive sport that will help me develop more social connections
- manage my weight
- manage my chronic pain
Here is an example of how this might work in practice:
Example of NDIS Goal which would require a physiotherapist:
I would like to be more active and do more of my own personal care activities for myself such as showering and brushing my teeth.
I would like to engage in more outdoor activities and in particular I my goal is to find an adaptive sport that suits my lifestyle and my love for water.
This will improve my ability to engage more in community life and develop stronger social connections of which I currently have few. A physiotherapist can assist with the development of my muscle tone, strengthening my upper body and overall mobility over a 6 month intensive period, followed up by a six months of tapering.
Moira Mannion can be found on MyCareSpace and is a local resident physiotherapist in Bronte, Sydney with over 25 years of experience.