On Monday 16th September, The Hon. NDIS Minister Bill Shorten MP announced that platform providers, Support Coordinators, and Supported Independent Living (SIL) providers will need to register with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.
Platform providers are defined as providers that connect participants with workers to deliver NDIS supports.
These changes will not come as surprise for anyone that has been following the NDIS Provider and Workforce Registration Taskforce, headed up by Human Rights Lawyer, Nat Wade. The Taskforce handed down its Final Report in August 2024.
Notwithstanding, it is one of the swiftest changes providers will have seen in the NDIS. These changes will require amendments to the rules governing provider registration and practice standards. As we know rules take time to change. In the interim, the government has committed to engaging in community feedback in the design process.
Here’s what you need to know.
Strengthening Safeguards for NDIS Participants
- It will be compulsory for platform providers, Support Coordinators and SIL providers to become registered and this will happen immediately.
- The Minister for NDIS The Hon. Bill Shorten MP said registration for these providers and coordinators was recommended by the Taskforce to strengthen safeguards for NDIS participants.
- Consultation on these changes will commence in October 2024. The new Rules will allow for a period of transition to the new mandatory registration arrangements.
- Further community consultation in the short term will focus on the Taskforce definitions of ‘self-directed supports’ and an ‘NDIS provider.’
- Adoption of other recommendations made by the Taskforce will be ‘designed closely with the disability community’.
- The NDIS Commission is also prioritising how it will assess and prioritise matters.
- In the 2023-24 financial year, the NDIS Commission received over 29,000 complaints and 82,000 reportable incidents - or an 80% and 47% increase year on year.
- The Government has boosted the Commission's ability to deal with complaints via an extra funding of $142.6 million in the 2023/24 budget
To find out more, here are some useful links:
Registration Taskforce Final Report (summary)
If you are a platform provider, Support Coordinator or SIL provider, looking to become registered, you can get assistance from one of our trusted registration partners using this link: Avaana
Stronger NDIS
Ultimately, the new registration requirements for NDIS providers are a step towards a more standardised and secure system that prioritises the safety and rights of participants. As a social enterprise that has connected more than 60,000 NDIS participants with NDIS supports and services, MyCareSpace is supportive of regulations that focus on Participant safety and greater transparency across the sector. We are ready to support providers who are looking to make the transition to registration.