What kind of Disability Care Provider are you?
According to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, all registered NDIS providers that offer disability care service must have:
- Professional Indemnity Insurance
- Public Liability Insurance
- Personal Accident Insurance
As a registered NDIS Service Provider, having appropriate insurance arrangements in place is a requirement that Auditors need to verify as part of your NDIS Certification Audit or Verification Audit and they will ask to see a certificate of currency for these insurances, during your NDIS Audit.
Disability Care Providers Providing In-Home Supports
This is the provision of disability support workers to people in their own home to help them live as independently as possible. Help with things like washing and dressing and making sure clients take their medication on time or going to a day centre.
Disability Care Providers offering Short Term Residential Care (e.g. STA or respite)
This disability provider insurance covers organisations that also offer respite care or short term accommodation. Clients stay for up 3 months receiving support services.
Disability Care Providers offering Long Term Residential Care (e.g. SIL)
This disability provider insurance is for disability care companies that also offer accommodation to participants who stay longer than 3 months.
Other Types of Disability Service
If you provide services other than personal care and supports, find your occupation below.
Have a question? Contact us or speak to an agent on 02 8287 65 76.