Can I buy it with my NDIS funding?
Page 8 of the NDIS guide to self-management provides guidance for participants who are self-managing when they ask the question: can I spend my NDIS funds on that? This page 8 is often referred to as the Self Management checklist.
If you answer YES to each question, you can buy it.
Will the support help you to reach the goals in your NDIS plan?
The support you buy must be linked to the support budgets and goals in your current NDIS plan and related to your disability.
Is the support reasonably priced and good value?
The support should give you good value-for-money compared to other options. Remember you can choose to pay less and get more support, or pay more for a higher quality support that meets your needs.
Can you afford the support within your support budget?
Your NDIS funding needs to last for the length of your plan. Work out your budget early so you know what you can afford. This will help you to track your funding and make decisions about any changes to your supports during your plan.
Will the support help you to connect with your community and improve the relationships you have with family and friends?
The support you buy should help you to participate in activities with friends and other members of your community, or help you fnd or keep a job.
Is the support something that should be funded by the NDIS and not other government services?
In your NDIS plan the funded supports will not include support that is provided by other government services. For example, dental, health or hospital services, education, housing and public transport are all provided by other government services.
Is the support safe?
The support you buy must be legal. It should not cause harm or put yourself or other people at risk.
What Can I Buy? - NDIS Self Management Guide (see pg 8)