Funding For Carers - Different types of Government Payments | MyCareSpace

Funding For Carers - Different types of Government Payments

Australian notes

Below is a summary of the different types of payments to carers. For more information follow the link below at the end of the article:

Carer Payment

Purpose: income support if you are unable to work because of the demands of your caring role.

You might qualify if you: can’t work full time or in ‘substantial paid employment’ because you care for a person with a severe disability or severe medical condition or who is frail and elderly.

Carer Allowance

Purpose: a fortnightly income supplement for parents or carers providing additional daily care and attention to an adult or dependent child.

You might qualify if you: care for someone with a disability or medical condition, or a frail older person, even if you work or study.

Carer Supplement

Purpose: annual lump sum to assist with the cost of caring for a person.

You might qualify if you: receive a Carer Allowance or Carer Payment.

Carer Adjustment Payment

Purpose: a one off payment of financial assistance to families not eligible for income support where, following a catastrophic event involving a child aged under 7 years, the family is going through a period of significant adjustment as a result of the care needs of the child.

You might qualify if you: care for a child under 7 years that has been diagnosed with a severe disability or severe medical condition.

You must receive Carer Allowance; not be eligible for, or be in receipt of Carer Payment or any other income support payment; have a strong need for financial support after the event and; claim within 2 years from diagnosis.

Useful links:

More details on how to access the funding options for Carers

Another useful government website is Payment finder which will help you find out which payments you are eligible for


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