Find a Disability Advocate | MyCareSpace

When do I need a Disability Advocate in the NDIS

Holding hands

What is a Disability Advocate?

Disability Advocates can speak out for themselves or for others who are at risk of being disadvantaged or treated improperly as a result of a disability. 

An advocate is someone who will speak, write or act on your behalf in order to promote, protect and defend your rights. They can be a family member, a friend, a carer or support worker or they can be a person engaged using external advocacy programs.

A great advocate will:

  • ​Not have a bias (meaning they are only doing what is right for you and not what is right for someone else)
  • Be on your side and no one else’s
  • Be focused on your wants and needs
  • Be loyal to you whilst respecting the rights of others
  • Be able to be your voice when you need it

Advocate does not:

  • Provide counselling
  • Make decisions for you
  • Provide mediation
  • Provide case management

When could you need a Disability Advocate during your NDIS journey?

The NDIS is about giving you back power in your life by ensuring you have choice and control. Some people may find it hard to speak up about what they want or need.

An advocate, like a supporter, can help you understand information, participate in phone calls and meetings with you.

During your NDIS journey you may need help from an advocate when:

  • Making your NDIS access request/application
  • Attending our NDIS planning meeting
  • Understanding your NDIS Plan
  • Preparing for or attending your NDIS plan review
  • Review of an NDIA decision and decision appeals to the AAT

How to find a Disability Advocate

An advocate could be a family member, carer, support worker or friend. Alternatively, you can find an external advocate using these links:



Our Connections Team at MyCareSpace are linked in with a range of providers offering telehealth services with availability. Let our team help you navigate the NDIS and find the right service for you.
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