What Diagnosis does the NDIS require for Autism
According to the NDIS autism should be diagnosed by “a specialist multi-disciplinary team, paediatrician, psychiatrist or clinical psychologist experienced in the assessment of Pervasive Developmental Disorders, and assessed using the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)”.
A diagnosis usually involves many specialists and professionals testing and assessing your child – this is called a multidisciplinary assessment. When lots of specialists work with your child, it gives your child the best chance of an accurate diagnosis. It also helps to develop the best treatment plan.
You might meet with all the professionals on the same day, in the same place. Or you might see one professional at a time – for example, you might see a speech pathologist or psychologist first and then a paediatrician at a later time.
DSM-5 lists the signs and symptoms of ASD and states how many of these must be present to confirm a diagnosis of ASD. Professionals also use standardised tests or tools to help them diagnose ASD.
When making an application to access the NDIS you will need reports that are no more than 2 years old.
Who can provide an NDIS Autism Diagnosis?
While the diagnostic criteria for autism under the DSM-5 are consistent across Australia, the diagnostic process has not been. In late 2018 the National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia was released. The guidelines aim to provide a consistent approach for autism assessment and diagnosis across the country, relieving stress, confusion and lengthy delays for individuals on the spectrum and their families.
It’s vital to get a full assessment and diagnosis from a qualified and reliable professional or team of professionals using proper assessment tools. A professional who is willing to rule in or rule out something like autism with only a cursory appointment is not following the recommended diagnostic protocol.
There are both government funded and private services available. Wait time for government funded services can be quite lengthy (as much as 12 months), so we recommend where possible not to wait and access the assessment services of a private centre or clinician.
You can find a list of all the government funded diagnostic services here
You can find a list of all Autism NDIS Service Providers via the MyCareSpace website. Simply search by your postcode.
You can also contact your state-based autism association who may provide assessment services or can point you in the direction of local clinics and services (listed below).
Does the NDIS fund your Autism diagnosis?
Most state-funded assessment services have very long waiting lists and families can be left waiting for up to 12 months for an appointment. You may need or choose to use private professionals to do an assessment of your son or daughter.
Your GP can refer you to a paediatrician or psychiatrist for diagnosis, and there is a Medicare item number which can be claimed to pay for part of this cost. It is critical to find a GP who understands autism spectrum disorder and who is across all the different Medicare rebates that can be accessed.
The paediatrician or psychiatrist can then give you referrals to see up to another four professionals for diagnostic services such as audiologists, occupational therapists, optometrists, orthoptists, physiotherapists, psychologists and speech pathologists.
The Medicare item numbers cover part of the cost of their diagnostic assessments. These must be used by the child’s 13th birthday. Information accurate as of September 2018.
State Autism Organisations
Territory autism association: Marymead Autism Centre
Web site: https://www.marymeadautismcentre.org.au/
Phone: 1800 427 920
State autism association: Autism Spectrum Australia [ASPECT]
Web site: http://www.autismspectrum.org.au
Phone: 1-800 ASPECT (1800 277 328)
Territory autism association: Autism NT
Web site: www.autismnt.org.au
Phone: (08) 8948 4424
State autism association: Autism Queensland
Web site: www.autismqld.com.au
Phone: (07) 3273 0000
State autism association: Autism SA
Web site: www.autismsa.org.au
Phone: (08) 8379 6976
State autism association: Autism Tasmania
Web site: www.autismtas.org.au
Phone: 03 6231 2745 (Hobart) or 03 6344 1212 (Launceston)
State autism association: AMAZE
Web site: www.amaze.org.au
Phone: 03 9657 1600
State autism association: Autism Association of Western Australian
Web site: www.autism.org.au
Phone: (08) 9489 8900
Adult assessment & diagnosis
For young adults/adults seeking an assessment and diagnosis the best course of action is to meet with a psychologist and/or psychiatrist who has a deep understanding of autism and experience with the formal assessment and diagnosis process. That process is likely going to include a lot of questions about your childhood and school years, as well as experiences as an adult. As part of the assessment, there will likely be some psychological or psychiatric testing conducted.
To locate a qualified professional near you, please check out the following links:
Find A Psychologist (Under “Mental Health,” please select “Autism”)