New Beginning Coordination
We are an independent service provider – this means we are here to provide you and your family with expert, unbiased support that works to achieves your goals. Our Support Coordinators are highly skilled and have lived experience with disability and the NDIS, this gives them a unique insight and ability to cut through the jargon to help you build your confidence and skills to make the most of your NDIS plan.
Recovery Coaching
Our recovery-oriented practice encapsulates support that:
- recognises and embraces recovery/wellbeing-possibilities created by inherent strength and capacity of all people experiencing mental health issues
- maximises self-determination / self-management of mental health and wellbeing
- responds to gender, sexuality, culture, family and community
- assists families to understand the challenges / opportunities arising from a family member’s experiences.
Support Coordination
- Helping understand your Plan, connecting with Supports and Services
- Coaching through challenges, Refining and helping you prepare for review, Reflecting by reporting on achieved outcomes;
- Resolving crisis-points by developing capacity and resilience through Planning, Prevention, Mitigation and Action; and
- Building Capacity and Resilience.
Languages: Polish