First things first...
You are the expert!
You may have a very clear idea of what assistive technology you want and what you need.
Of course you do! You are the expert in your own life and your own needs.
It can be exhausting having to explain what you need time again to the different service providers who come into your home and ask you a million questions. These assessments are completed by allied health professionals, also known as therapists or AT assessors, in order to identify and analyse your support needs and provide recommendations.
But are all the questions and conversations needed every time you need one small thing?
Is the assessment necessary?
Question: Is it always necessary to undergo an assessment every time you need a new item related to your disability?
Answer: Not necessarily! It may be that you can proceed with purchasing assistive technology without therapist input at all!
Considerations for purchasing assistive technology without a therapist
STEP 1 - First you must consider:
- Is the item low cost i.e. under $1500?
- Is the item something I need that relates to my disability?
- Does it align with my NDIS goals?
STEP 2 - If so, you may be able to purchase assistive technology using your NDIS funding without any extra steps. Before proceeding, you must consider:
- Do I need input from a therapist to determine that this product is right for me?
- Does the item require set-up and training from a therapist, or can I manage this myself?
- What are the risks associated with the item? Could there be potential for harm?
Following Step 1, if you find you do not need any input from an allied health provider for assessment, prescription, set up or training, and risks involving use of the product are deemed to be low, you should be able to proceed with purchasing this low cost item.
How to purchase low-cost assistive technology when an assessment isn’t required?
1. Do you have the funding?
- Assistive Technology - this budget located in Capital Supports may be available for you to purchase low cost items. Read the description next to the total amount allocated. View more information on purchasing low cost assistive technology and consumables here.
- Consumables - this budget located in Core Supports can also be used to purchase low cost items. Again, review the description in yoyr plan and check the funding amount available.
2. Request an invoice:
Request an invoice from the assistive technology supplier who sells the item you need by providing the following details:
- Name
- NDIS number
- Contact details
- Address and delivery instructions (parking availability & access to your home - this will indicate to the supplier if they need more than one person to attend delivery and set up the item depending on size/weight of your purchase).
Ensure the document received is formatted as an invoice, tax invoice or proforma invoice. One of these descriptions should be the stated heading on the top of the document. If it is a quote, it may not be able to be processed by a Plan Manager.
There will be a delivery fee and sometimes a set-up fee included in the invoice. Your NDIS funding can be used to cover this cost.
3. Arrange payment:
Arrange payment according to how your NDIS funding is managed. The Self, Plan and NDIS Management Guide provides further detail.
Keep in mind that some plan managers may require a letter of recommendation from a therapist. If this is the case, review the steps below.
When is input needed from a therapist for assistive technology?
Consider the following factors:
- Is the item mid or high cost i.e. between $1500 - $15,000 or $15,000+
- Do applications/reports need to be completed for the item?
- Do I need specialist input from a therapist to assess my needs for this item?
- Is set-up and follow-up training required to use the item?
- Is there a level of risk that needs to be addressed and managed by a therapist?
If the answer is YES to one or more of the questions above, you will require a therapist to complete an assessment for the prescription of the item.
What kind of therapist can prescribe assistive technology?
There are a broad range of therapists working in the NDIS. Therapists who prescribe assistive technology may be a:
- Physiotherapist
- Occupational Therapist
- Speech Pathologist
- Exercise Physiologist
- Behavioural Support Practitioner
- Psychologist
Within each discipline, therapists have varying skill levels, training and specialities.
The MyCareSpace Connections Team can find a therapist for you in your local area with availability.
How do I find the right therapist for me?
Some questions to ask yourself when connecting with a therapist to prescribe your assistive technology include:
- Is the item relevant to their profession? You would seek advice about a mobility aid from a Physiotherapist/Exercise Physiologist, or sometimes an Occupational Therapist, but not a Speech Pathologist. Is this therapist the most skilled clinician to prescribe the item?
- Does the therapist have the skills? Ask about their experience prescribing this item with other participants. Ask about the assessment and prescription process. Do they have any success stories to share?
- What is their product knowledge? Ask about the different products they may consider to support you in addressing the specific need being addressed. Do they have one or more potential solutions that could be trialled?
- Do they have the connections? Are they linked in with a small or wide range of equipment suppliers? What are the benefits and disadvantages of each supplier?
- Do they have the right mentality? Ultimately, you need to find a therapist that aligns with your values and who you can trust. Implementing assistive technology often involves regular and ongoing input from the prescribing therapist. It is important to find someone who you get along with.
By gathering information about the therapist's skills and capabilities, you place yourself in the best position to determine if they are the right therapist for you.
What is the assistive technology prescription process?
Your therapist will guide you through the assistive technology prescription process. They will typically complete the following steps:
- Facilitate one or more assistive technology trials
- Liaise with the equipment supplier, including obtaining an itemised quote
- Complete product research
- Prepare an assistive technology report
- Provide you with a copy of the report prior to submission to review, provide feedback and prompt for you to provide signed consent for the NDIA to contact them as the prescribing therapist if needed throughout the approval process
- Submit the application (AT report and quote) to the NDIA
- Once approved, facilitate delivery and set up alongside the assistive technology provider
- Provide any necessary follow-up implementation and training support
Every assistive technology assessment is unique to the individual. The assessment of the assistive technology must consider the individual, the activity, the environment and the context. For this reason, several trials may be required, across one or several environments. This depends on where it is intended for the assistive technology to be used. For example, it is important to trial a wheelchair in the home and in the community if these are the settings it will be used across.
Remember, you may not find one piece of assistive technology that meets all your needs. Sometimes a range of assistive technology is required to address a range of your needs across various activities or settings. For example, a compact folding mobility scooter will perform well in a flat shopping centre environment, but may not manage an outdoor hilly footpath.
Your therapist will consider all options in light of your needs following their initial assessment and throughout the trial phase. It is important that the prescribed assistive technology will make your life better!
How do I access a therapist to prescribe assistive technology?
The MyCareSpace Connections Team can help you to find the right therapist for you.
Alternatively, view the MyCareSpace Directory for a range of allied health providers who may be able to support you.