With a serious shortage in allied health services like Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Psychology, many people are looking at more than 12 months waiting lists for regular therapy.
So, considering online teletherapy or telehealth (same thing different name) may be a way of getting your therapy started sooner.
You can always transition from online to face to face when availability comes up in your area.
Why could online teletherapy be the first choice for my child?
Here are the key reasons why teletherapy may in fact be the solution, or even the better choice for your child:
- TIMING - Do you have less than 6 months left on their NDIS plan? If the answer is yes, then it's unlikely that you will be able to get face-to-face therapy setup as there are extended wait times. Teletherapy will help you get started so that you ‘use it and don't lose it’.
- ACCESSIBILITY - Teletherapy makes therapy services accessible to people who may live in remote areas or lack transportation options. This would be especially important for people with disabilities who may have limited mobility or face challenges traveling.
- SUITABILITY & FLEXIBILITY - Being at home is convenient, especially if you have children.
Teletherapy allows families to schedule sessions at times that are convenient for them without the need to travel to a specific location.
This flexibility is especially helpful for people with disabilities who may have complex schedules or medical needs that require careful planning.
- REDUCED ANXIETY: Some people may experience anxiety or difficulty adjusting to new environments or unfamiliar faces.
Being online may also be better suited for those who experience anxiety traveling or attending therapy appointments in person. Teletherapy has been especially helpful for young autistic people.
FAMILIAR ENVIRONMENT: People with disabilities often feel more comfortable and at ease in their own environment. Teletherapy enables them to receive therapy in the comfort of their own homes, which can promote relaxation and a sense of security, leading to more effective therapy outcomes.
- VALUE FOR MONEY - Your funding is only spent on therapy. There are no travel costs. Since travel is charged at the same rate as the therapy, this can eat away at your funding! Travel can be charged by therapists on both ways up to 50%, so you could end up paying double.
- CAPACITY - Teletherapy may mean you don't need to wait 6 months for a face-to-face appointment - you can get started immediately. It may also give you access to that assessment that you need before you can access other supports.
- CONTINUITY OF CARE - the ability to secure continued access to therapy despite COVID, environmental challenges (flooding), remote locations or any other challenges that may prevent you from attending a clinic.
Is teletherapy suitable for me?
The suitability of telehealth does indeed depend on the type of therapy being delivered as well as a person's disability.
Delivering speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychology and counselling via teletherapy is ideal. Therapists are also able to perform a number of diagnoses and assessments using teletherapy.
How do I know if my child will be able to do teletherapy?
Therapists tell us that parents are often worried that their child won’t stay engaged. The simple answer is: if they like to game online, they can do teletherapy!
What happens if my child misbehaves during therapy?
This is a common question! Therapists reassure us, that it's actually not a bad thing to have a child ‘misbehaving' in their natural home environment on camera. It provides a real-life picture, which is very necessary to perform an assessment.
What about if I or my child can't sit still for that long?
No need for concern that some participants may not be able to attend to the computer screen for lengthy periods.
Online therapists are used to this challenge and will encourage you can get up and move around to take breaks.
I'm not a tech geek - will I be able to manage teletherapy?
Firstly, you are not expected to get set up alone. Online therapists will help make sure you have the right programs installed before you start your first session.
So what actually happens when I decide to use teletherapy/telehealth?
All telehealth providers will have their own systems and processes in place.
They first ensure that patients are set up and able to take part in teletherapy and will guide (and assist with their tech geek) them through the setup and consultation process.
There is no obligation to stay with Telehealth if a place becomes available with a face to face provider. They completely understand this. It’s about giving the best possible outcome for the participant
Do I have to do my teletherapy alone?
It all depends on how you can get the most out of a telehealth session. If you need a support worker or family member as support, that is absolutely fine. Parents will always support children.
How much does teletherapy cost?
In general, the cost of teletherapy = the price of therapy delivered at the location of the provider. So, even if a participant is in a remote area, the rate charged depends on where the provider is located.
For example: if the speech therapist is located in metro Sydney area, and the participant in a very remote area in Western Australia, the rate charged would be the regular metro Sydney rate.
BUT, participants in Remote or Very Remote areas can agree to pay the remote or very remote prices, if they are satisfied that the support provides value for money.
We have prepared a resource that includes the pricing for teletherapy in metro and rural areas: How much is Teletherapy?
Can I get an assessment online?
MyCareSpace has a few providers that have deep experience in delivering online assessments.
Let our Connection Team help you by calling us on 1300 2888 93 or by submitting an online support request.
I'm looking for therapy or supports