When do I need a Carer Statement for an NDIS Application?
A Carer Statement (sometimes referred to as an Impact Statement) is a letter written by someone who cares for or is supporting an individual living with a disability.
It describes in depth how their disability is impacting their life and the lives of those around them.
It can be submitted as part of your NDIS application to demonstrate the everyday difficulties experienced by the individual and their family and to validate how much care and support the individual may need.
A Carer/Impact Statement is not compulsory but it can help strengthen your NDIS application because it provides a clear, practical picture of the supports that are needed.
Writing a carer statement can often feel uncomfortable. It can feel confronting to talk about the struggles you have, but it will give the NDIS a complete overview of what supports are needed and therefore the appropriate level of funding.
Don't hold back. Describe your/their worst day.
It is important to remember you are not complaining or asking for too much – you are simply letting them know what you and your loved ones' daily life is like.
How do I write a Carer / Impact Statement?
The NDIS does not specify any formal guideline or template to develop a Carer’s Statement. It could be an informal letter or a structured statement. It can be whatever you choose.
Either way, it should include this information about the person you care for:
- their disability and how it impacts their day to day functioning
- what they need support with, and what their carer does to support them
- your own needs and goals as a carer, and how the caring role affects you
- whether you can keep caring for them in the same way into the future
- what other informal supports they have, such as family or friends
- any other important information for the NDIA to know when assessing which supports they might require.
Another way of writing your carer statement is to describe daily life using each of the main 8 categories within the NDIS so they can relate to it.
You should describe:
- what supports are needed
- how often the supports are given
- the cost involved
- as well as the emotional impact that can sometimes occur.
These 8 categories are:
- Daily Living
- Home
- Health and Well-being
- Lifelong Learning
- Work
- Social and Community Participation
- Relationships
- Choice and Control
IMPORTANT: 'Functional Capacity' is how the NDIS measures eligibility, so you should refer to the applicant's 'functional capacity' when describing how their life is affected in these areas by their disability.
Here is a resource on what functional capacity is under the NDIS
Again, there is no right way or wrong way to write a carer statement but you should describe your worst day so that you communicate the maximum amount of support provided.
Who else can provide an Carer/Impact Statement
An impact statement can also be provided by any person, family member or provider that supports and cares for a person with a disability. Their input may be beneficial in communicating to the NDIS the level of support needed.
Examples of a sample Carer / Impact Statement
Here are a few examples of carer/impact statements
- A template for a support coordinator of carer to use
- Reimagine: Sample Carer Statement
- Carers Australia: Sample Carer Statement from Claire
- Carers Australia: Sample Carer Statement from John
Carer Checklist
Carers Australia has created a Carer Checklist which is useful in helping you prepare for an NDIS planning meeting and can be provided to the planner.
This checklist is for people who provide unpaid care and support to a family member or friend with a disability who is a participant in the NDIS or who is eligible to be a participant.
It can help you think about the type of care and support you currently provide for the person you care for and may help you consider all aspects of the person with disability’s needs.
Top 3 things to remember when writing a Carer Statement
1. Describe your worst day - there is no such thing as Too Much Information
2. Don't leave anything out - think of your day from the moment your loved one wakes to when they go to sleep
3. Use a Checklist to help make sure you don't leave anything out