People with a Disability and Domestic Violence
How is the NDIS and their LACS supporting people coming from domestic violence?
In Victoria we have the Disability and Family Violence Crisis Response initiative aims to assist Victorian women with a disability who are experiencing family violence. It offers $9000 of funding to be used over a period of 12 weeks.
Link to Disability and Family Violence Crisis Response initiative
This funding is very useful while applying for a plan review when it doesn't happen quickly enough for someone fleeing violence.
The Orange Door (support and safety hub) is also available for women with disabilities in Victoria experience family violence, its a safe accessible service.
The Orange Door has access to a disability practice leader for advice as we know not all workers can be the expert on every diversity.
There are currently 5 locations for the Orange Door, and 1800RESPECT can help you if you are not in a hub location.
Link to Orange Door
With the NDIS there is work underway within Victoria to try and make the NDIS more responsive for people experiencing family violence. This will be an ongoing process by many advocates like myself and other state-based government agencies as well as NGO’s from the family violence sector.
The NDIS should be able to offer supports to replace those of informal carers who need to be removed due to violence. I personally will not rely on informal support after my experience of violence from an intimate partner/carer. This is my choice and control to not be placed in a vulnerable position again and feel, so far the NDIS has respected this.
If you or someone you know is experiencing violence I implore you to reach out to 1800Respect for support and guidance on how to keep yourself safe.
Where do I find a Disability Advocate?
The one I give to people is: https://www.dana.org.au/find-an-advocate/
Nicole Lee
Disability Advocate
Nicole is an advocate for disability rights and the prevention of family violence. She provided evidence at the Royal Commission into Family Violence, has been working as a member of the Victims Survivors Advisory Council for the past 3 years.
Nicole recently took part in a Webinar titled: WEBINAR: Organising my NDIS Supports