These resources accompany the webinar "Children with Developmental Delays, Autism and the NDIS".
What is 'Early Childhood Intervention'
- Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA) - "Every Family, Every Child, Every Possibility"
- ECIA Booklet:
Receiving a diagnosis or noticing your child is not developing well can be a frightening time. This booklet aims to help reduce some of the stress and confusion that families may experience when their child is initially given a diagnosis, or when a developmental issue has been raised. - What is Early Childhood Intervention? Source: ECIA Website
- Early Childhood Intervention Approach per NDIS
How do I know if my child has a Developmental Delay?
Every child develops differently, and there’s a big range of ‘normal’ in children’s development.
Developmental achievements are called ‘milestones’. Growth and development milestones are a useful guide for tracking your baby’s development. Below are some useful links from the Raising Children Network:
- Babies (0-12months)
- Toddler Developmental Milestones (1 - 3 years old)
- Pre Schooler Developmental Milestones (4 - 5 years old)
- School Age Developmental Milestones (6 - 8 years old)
- Developmental Milestones and the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standards
Why would I suspect my child has Autism?
Some early signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) usually manifest in the first two years. These are listed.
Where to start?
During the webinar Anna came up with some great planning tips:
Pre-planning tasks:
- Keep a diary to record:
- Times of day that are most challenging
- How different environments affect your child
- Research as much as possible, networking with other parents, use word of mouth as the benefits of being connected with other families is not to be underestimated
During the meeting you can expect to:
- map out your informal support networks
- explain what’s happening in the child's day to day life
- talk about needs of your child
Families should know their rights which include the right to:
- influence the planning process
- stop the meeting if they are unhappy or confused
- ask for the meeting to slow down
- ask for a new planner
- request another meeting date if you need more time to get ready
- bring an advocate or friend
- make Notes
Siblings Australia
- Siblings Australia provide parent info sessions (Face to face in Adelaide, via skype in other States).
Parents fill in a questionnaire about the sibling(s) and what their concerns are, followed by one hour session giving them ideas on how they can support the sibling(s) and provide a follow up report. - Useful Book for Parents - take the details into a library or buy online
- Books for younger children on their website – sometimes this can help siblings open up about their own feelings
- Programs
- Facebook Page
Access to the NDIS
- Role of ECEI Partners
- Where to find an ECEI partner: NDIS ECEI locator by postcode
- 'Functional Capacity' measures the affect a developmental delay has on a child's day to day life. Is measured across these areas:
- communication;
- social interaction;
- learning;
- mobility;
- self-care;
- self-management
Understanding Your Plan
NDIS Plan Categories
Finding Supports
- MyCareSpace Webinar Organising my NDIS Supports
- Choosing Quality Early Intervention services (ECIA Booklet)
Community Supports
Playgroup Australia - Community Playgroups
There are over 7500 Community Playgroups that usually meet weekly for up to two hours in venues such as community centres, halls, parks and homes of playgroup families. These are playgroups run by volunteer families and caregivers who attend the playgroup.
Playgroup Australia - Find a Community Playgroup
Playgroup Australia - PlayConnect Playgroup
PlayConnect Playgroups offer play-based learning opportunities for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or ASD like characteristics and create extended social support networks for their families and carers. These Playgroups will also connect families and carers to resources available in their local area
Future of Early Childhood Intervention in Australia
The Commonwealth Government have tasked Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA) with the design and delivery of the first National Blueprint for Early Childhood Intervention. This blueprint will provide a clear framework, to 2030, to support the development of children to optimise social and economic outcomes for children aged 0-6 years with developmental delay and/or disability and support their families in a broad range of evidence informed and innovative approaches. Find out how you can get involved here: BLUEPRINT
Resources for Providers
Best Practice for Early Childhood Intervention - source: ECIA website
How to Write Reports for the NDIS
- Writing for the NDIS: help for doctors, practitioners, participants and families
- Writing Reports for NDIS Access and Plan Reviews