Sometimes NDIS providers spend time on the phone, looking for more information, sending emails or writing reports for a participant. This time is required so that they can deliver their service to a participant, but the participant is not physically present.
The NDIS calls these activities, 'non face-to-face' activities.
The cost of these activities need to be calculated specifically for each participant (cannot just charge an average). This resource clarifies which 'non face-to-face' activities a provider may charge a participant for and which they may not.
The following activities are billable as a support if ALL of the following are met:
- The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits indicates that providers can claim for NonFace-to-Face Support Provision in respect of that support item
- The amount charged complies with the NDIS pricing guidelines
- The time is spent on an activity that helps the provider deliver a specific disability support item to that participant (rather than a general activity such as enrolment, administration or staff rostering)
- The provider explains the activity and its charge to the participant (and why it represents value)
- The participant agrees to pay for the charge in advance (preferably in a service agreement).
Examples for Assistance with Self Care Support
Assistance with Self Care support items are described as covering activities “Assisting with, and/or supervising, personal tasks of daily life to develop skills of the participant to live as autonomously as possible”. Any non face-to-face activities that help perform this can be charged.
These non face-to-face supports CAN be charged:
- Time spent on writing reports for co-workers and other providers about the client’s progress with skill development
- Research undertaken that is specifically linked to the needs of a participant and to the achievement of the participant’s goals.
These non face-to-face supports CANNOT be charged
- The costs of training and upskilling staff, and of supervision (this is assumed to be included in the rates charged)
- Time spent on administration, such as the processing of NDIS payment claims
Non face-to-face ADMIN activities CANNOT be charged
These admin activities are already covered by the NDIS price limits and cannot be billed as non-face-to-face supports:
- Pre-engagement visits
- Developing and agreeing to Service Agreements
- Entering or amending participant details into system
- Making participant service time changes
- Staff/participant travel monitoring and adjustment
- Ongoing NDIS plan monitoring
- Completing the Quoting tool
- Making service bookings and payment claims
When can a non face-to-face charge be made?
Although these charges may be "pre authorised" using a service agreement, the charge can only be made once the non face-to-face activity has been completed.
You may not charge a fee that is not linked to a completed activity.
How do I claim non face-to-face charges?
Claims for non face-to-face supports are made using the relevant support item and selecting the “Non face-to-face” option.
Where there is more than 1 participant, the additional fee must be calculated specifically for the Non- Face-to-Face supports delivered to each particular participant. You cannot simply charge an average fee.
NDIS Price Guide (NDIS Pricing Arrangments and Price Limits)