WEBINAR: How your NDIS Audit can drive revenue (instead of a stake through the heart)

WEBINAR: How your NDIS Audit can drive revenue (instead of a stake through the heart)

WEBINAR: How NDIS Compliance Can Drive Better Customer Experiences
How your NDIS Audit can drive Revenue
(instead of a stake through the heart)

MyCareSpace has partnered with  IHCA Certification, pre-eminent NDIS Audit Firm and Dr. Emily Verstege, Customer Experience Futurist & Senior Manager at ARTD consultants to bring you this webinar.

Our experts will demonstrate how your NDIS Audit can become the very thing that helps you understand your customers more deeply and respond more quickly to their needs, improving your business on every level.

Many consider their NDIS Audit fee a sunk cost, delivering few “real” benefits to the business. Our experts disagree and will show how it can help you identify opportunities for continuous improvement so that you can deliver even better services and set your organisation apart from others.

Some of the topics covered in our webinar include:

  • How can your NDIS audit create value for your business?

  • How can you reduce the number of NDIS audits you require?

  • How can performance measurement stop your NDIS clients taking their funding out the door?

  • How can you avoid some of the biggest NDIS audit mistakes?


Meet the Expert Panel

Dr Emily Verstege, Senior Manager at ARTD

Dr Emily Verstege
Consumer Experience Expert - Senior Manager, ARTD Consultants

Fiona Loughlan, General Manager IHCA

Fiona Loughlan
General Manager - IHCA Certification, NDIS auditor

Dr. Emily Verstege, Senior Manager, ARTD Consultants 

As an expert in using high-quality evidence to improve customer experiences, Emily is passionate about helping clients navigate complex social schemes like the NDIS.

Emily is motivated by helping her clients get to know their customer's needs, to deliver an enhanced experience, and achieve greater outcomes. She helps businesses better understand the relationship between customer experience and organisational performance

Emily has a deep understanding and knowledge of the Australian health and human services sector, having worked alongside Government agencies and NGOs to design systems and policies that support social change.

Emily is a Senior Manager at ARTD, a leading public policy consultancy in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

Fiona Loughlan, General Manager, Institute for Healthy Communities Australia Certification

As General Manager of IHCA Certification, Fiona is an experienced strategy, leadership and governance professional who works with health and human services organisations to navigate current challenges and explore their potential.

Fiona offers a wide range of evidence-based improvement solutions to add value to your business.

As a provider of NDIS Audit certification and accreditation services, Fiona will share with us firsthand insights on the demands & challenges NDIS Providers are facing in this new era and how to go about implementing the Practice Standards.



Webinar Topic
How your NDIS Audit can drive Revenue (instead of a stake through the heart)

$95 (incl)