What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?
To learn the basics of SIL, the following resource provides a fantastic overview of Supported Independent Living and Acquired Brain Injury
The Logistics of SIL
Whether you are applying for funding for SIL, or are already accessing SIL services, it is important to understand how SIL is funded in your NDIS plan and what is included and excluded when it comes to SIL support.
There is often confusion about how SIL can be funded in your home or a home you share with others.
Where is SIL funded in my NDIS plan?
Across NDIS Plans, there is a new category called the Home and Living Supports (Category 16) which appears within the Core Support Budget. This budget is allocated for support for living options in line with your disability needs.
This funding can only be used flexibly within this category, and not across the remaining Core Support budget categories.
Within the Home and Living Supports budget, funding may be available in your NDIS plan for the following:
- Short-term accommodation (STA)
- Medium-term accommodation (MTA)
- Supported Independent Living (SIL)
- Independent Living Options (ILO)
SIL is considered a long-term living option, with the primary purpose of supporting you in your home to live alone or with others.
SIL funding includes at-home support or supervision to build skills in self-care, independence and maintaining a safe home for people with higher support needs.
Does SIL include accommodation?
SIL involves the funding for support provided to you in the home environment.
It does NOT include the home environment where you live.
This means SIL does not cover the cost of rent, board or lodging costs.
If you require disability-specific accommodation, you may be eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA). See further details here: What is SDA and SIL?
The NDIS do not generally provide funding for housing, except for SDA. If you do not meet the criteria for SDA eligibility, you will be required to cover the cost of your accommodation.
If you require affordable housing or are at risk of homelessness, there are state or territory government programs that can help you. Learn more about Housing and Community Infrastructure outlined by from the NDIS directly.
Does SIL include groceries and other day-to-day expenses?
SIL does not include day-to-day living costs that are not related to your disability support needs.
The cost of groceries are not included in SIL. This is a cost you are required to cover. If you live with others, you may arrange between yourselves to contribute towards shared groceries. In some SIL arrangements, the staff may assist by facilitating online orders and monitoring household supplies.
The cost of utilities such as gas, electricity, water, telephone, and internet bills are also not included in SIL. This is a personal expense for you to cover.
Expenses related to holidays, including travel costs, are also not funded by SIL.
What happens to SIL if I am in the hospital?
SIL is not responsible for providing you with personal support while you are admitted to the hospital.
The health system is responsible for meeting your support needs while you are under hospital care.
You will need to discuss ongoing payments for SIL with your SIL provider directly if you are not home to receive it.
It is important to review your service agreement to understand the provider’s policies about the payment for services when the participant is not present. Make sure you are comfortable with these terms before signing the agreement with your chosen provider.
Is staff training required for Acquired Brain Injury in the NDIS?
Undertaking training specific to acquired brain injury is not a requirement for service providers of SIL in the NDIS.
Some providers may be more familiar with supporting individuals with acquired brain injury than others.
Before engaging with a service provider, it is important for you to understand the staff’s experience working with people with acquired brain injury if you are after quality care that aligns with your needs.
Consider asking the following:
- Do you support any existing participants who have acquired brain injury? If yes, please describe the model of care, i.e. what does support in the home look like? How are supports shared? How are supports individualised?
- What assistive technology are your staff experienced with operating?
- Do your staff have any manual handling training? When was training last completed?
- Are they familiar with supporting any other medical conditions, such as epilepsy?
Receiving support from a provider who has the skills and capabilities is an important factor in maintaining your safety and ensuring your support needs will be met.
Does SIL = shared support?
SIL can be provided across a variety of settings. SIL can be individual or shared.
Individual Support (Living Alone)
SIL can be provided individually to you in your own home. This means the roster of care is built around you alone, and may include a combination of 1:1 (one support worker to one participant), or 2:1 (two support workers to one participant). The ratio of care across different routines and activities depends on your functional capacity and relevant support needs.
Shared Support (Living Alone)
SIL can be provided to you in a shared capacity while you live in your own home. This model of care is described as Concierge Support.
Concierge Support involves on-site support shared between several participants, however the support provided is not considered live-in support. Instead, an office is set up nearby the residences and is typically staffed 24/7. Drop in support is available to residents on a needs basis and/or for scheduled check-ins. Residents can contact the SIL Concierge Staff member at any time if they need one-off support during their day or evening i.e. support that is not part of their scheduled routine.
Shared Support (Living With Others)
SIL can also be provided in a shared living setting, where services are shared across two or more participants. It is not considered necessary for all participants to have an acquired brain injury. However, all participants in the home must have the same or similar support needs to ensure the support can be shared appropriately.
Will I receive SIL if I don’t need support all of the time?
If you do not need some level of support all of the time when you are at home, it is unlikely that you will be considered eligible for SIL finding.
There are other options available to you for your support needs to be met. This may be through Assistance with Daily Life in your Core Support Budget, where drop in support is available as you require it.
How do I choose a SIL provider?
When SIL is approved in your plan, you will be provided with a sum of funding for SIL in your Core Support budget.
You are not automatically allocated to a provider and have choice and control over which provider you engage with for SIL.
The SIL provider you select will assist in preparing a roster of care, utilising the funding allocated in your plan to cater to your needs across your week.
Need help finding a SIL provider? Get in touch with our Connections Team for assistance in navigating the NDIS and finding a SIL provider in your area.