How to hire a support worker without core funding
We speak with many families with young children, who have been told that they cannot use their NDIS funds to pay for a support worker.
For general household tasks, such as assistance with cleaning and cooking, a support worker would be funded from the Core budget.
Generally speaking, for children without high physical support needs, Core funding is not provided for a support worker, because this is assumed to be a ‘normal parenting’ responsibility that is not directly linked to a child’s disability. In other words, it's normal to expect parents to assist their children with everyday personal care activities like bathing, feeding and toileting.
It may, however, be possible to hire a support worker using your Capacity Building funding, depending on the allocated funding in your child's plan. There may be funding available for a support worker to spend time with your child, engaging in capacity building activities or supporting them to access the community.
What can we achieve with a Capacity Building Support Worker?
The use of funding in this way can often give parents and families the time and space needed to get on top of household duties.
Depending on the age of your child, a support worker can also work with them in the home to support them with learning basic household tasks, build their capacity with everyday living tasks, and help them to build skills that will allow them to contribute to supporting the household. Think of the importance of teaching children how to contribute to family chores, as a goal in their plan.
Support workers funded through Capacity Building funding can also work with your child to continue implementing exercises that form part of their therapy program. Families adopting this approach find it a useful strategy to get the most from the funding available.
This is something you can discuss with your therapists. The therapist can work with the support worker to provide input into useful interventions to focus on at home.
It is also worth noting that as your child gets older it is possible to request additional Core funding at a plan review. Although the NDIS do say that they consider certain household tasks as general parental responsibilities, most teenagers do begin contributing to household tasks and will support parents with cleaning, laundry, washing up, and garden maintenance. While not guaranteed, advocating for the inclusion of assistance with daily life funding has been granted for some families where children may not be able to complete these tasks independently.
Before using Capacity Building funds to engage a support worker we would always recommend speaking with your Plan Manager, Support Coordinator, or Therapists to check that there is enough funding in the plan. You can also call our team on 1300 2888 93 and we can help you to look into this option.
Which Capacity Building funding categories and line items could cover a support worker?
CB - Increased Social and Community Participation
09_009_0117_6_3 Skills Development and Training
This support item provides individual life skills development and training including public transport training and support, developing skills for community, social and recreational participation.
09_006_0106_6_3 Life Transition Planning, Including Mentoring Peer Support And Individual Skill Development
This support item, which includes mentoring, peer-support, and individual skill development, is designed to establish volunteer assistance within the participant’s home or community to develop skills. For instance, assistance in attending appointments, shopping, bill paying, taking part in social activities, and maintaining contact with others.
CB Improved Relationships
11_024_0117_7_3 Individual Social Skills Development
This support item assists participants to develop their social skills for participation in community and social activity.
CB Daily Activity
15_037_0117_1_3 - Skill Development And Training including Public Transport Training
This support item assists the development of, or increases, a participant’s skills and or capacity for independence and community participation.
How do I Find a Support Worker?
MyCareSpace can help you support workers to suit your needs.
Are you looking for a support worker?
The MyCareSpace team has partnered with a number of Support Work providers (both large and small) to be able to help families find Capacity Building support workers!
Let us match you with a support worker today!