Looking for a Support Worker? | MyCareSpace

How MyCareSpace works


Tell us what you are looking for in a Support Worker

Submit our online request using the form below or call our team on 1300 2888 93


We connect you with NDIS Support Providers

We match your needs with multiple verified Providers who can meet your requirements


You choose the Support Provider you like best

You can compare Providers, have a chat and choose the one you like best

Let us find you verifed Support Workers to choose from

Who should we contact?

Location of the person needing the service

Details of the person needing the service

This is important so that we can find Providers that have specific experience where possible
Our team can help you understand your plan if needed

Provider Preferences

Tell us what services you need

Select up to 5 different services in one request

Service Details

Why choose a Support Company on MyCareSpace instead of hiring someone off a platform like Mable?

MyCareSpace connects you with NDIS Registered companies that are bound by the NDIS Code of Conduct.

This means there is accountability for the level of service they deliver to NDIS Participants.

The Support Workers we connect you with:

Our team can help you find the Support Workers that are right for you! Tell us about your needs today.

Find me Verified Support Workers
Person with a support worker bowling

You found exactly what my client needed

My participant wanted a support worker to help him access the community that would not look like he was walking down the street with his mother and the MyCareSpace team were able to help me with this!

Sue, Local Area Coordinator