Looking for Supported Independent Living (SIL) Vacancies? | MyCareSpace

How MyCareSpace works


Tell us where you are looking for SIL

Submit an online request using the form below or call our team on 1300 2888 93


We connect you with NDIS SIL Providers

We match your needs with multiple verified SIL Providers with vacancies


You choose the SIL Provider you like best

Compare Supported Independent Living Providers and choose the one you like best

Let us find you verifed SIL providers to choose from

Who should we contact?

Location of the person needing the service

Details of the person needing the service

This is important so that we can find Providers that have specific experience where possible
Our team can help you understand your plan if needed

Provider Preferences

Tell us what services you need

Select up to 5 different services in one request

Service Details

Why choose a SIL Provider on MyCareSpace?

MyCareSpace can also connect you with other verified NDIS service providers

Thank you doesn’t seem enough

I cannot speak highly enough of the awesome help from the ladies at MyCareSpace. Very helpful, prompt with following up requests (even multiple requests) and very calm and reassuring in my time of need. Thank you doesn’t seem enough for the help they have been. Keep up the awesome work Helen and Rebecca, totally appreciate what you do for us stressed out parents❣️

Katrina, Participant