Jigsaw has a very simple vision for the future; it is an Australia in which people with disability are fully included in the workforce.
Jigsaw’s mission is to support people with disability to successfully secure mainstream employment at a rate exceeding the national benchmark, through the targeted intervention of a work-based training program.
We believe passionately in the power of the Jigsaw model – which prepares people with disability for work, in work – as a new approach to training and up-skilling people with disability, which produces graduates who are genuinely work-ready.
As a Registered NDIS Provider, we base support charges on the NDIS Price Guide, and the individual support that you need. If you would like to discuss accessing supports at Jigsaw using your NDIS funding, we will arrange a meeting with you to discuss your individual support needs and goals, and generate a schedule of supports together. NDIS 'core' funding can also be used. Jigsaw also allows people to access work experience without funding. Ask us for more info.
Jigsaw has a very simple vision for the future: an Australia in which people with disability are fully included in the workforce.
Since 2014, Jigsaw has supported more than 915 people with disability on their pathway to mainstream employment at award wage. Of those employed or transitioned into employment by Jigsaw, 91 per cent retain their position to this day, outperforming existing disability employment models.