Our Services:
I am a counselor. I work with anyone who needs help to settle themselves when they are anxious or depressed. I help people lift their awareness and know their patterns and understand where those patterns come from. I teach them strategies and ways to settle themselves when life gets a bit tough or bothersome. The strategies I teach are mindfulness techniques, listening and communication skills and a lovely practice called Focusing where we can get in touch with the person's intuitive wisdom
Disability Area of Interest:
Autism Level 1Cerebral PalsyDevelopmental DelayDown SyndromeHearing LossIntellectualMultiple SclerosisMuscular DystrophyNeurological/EpilepsyPhysicalPsychosocial/Mental HealthSpinal Cord InjuryStrokeVision Impairment
Our Locations:
Drummoyne, NSW 2047 (Head Office)
Unit 1/339 Victoria Place
NSW 2047
Tel: 0438412667