Our Services:
Strachans Day Night Pharmacy is a locally owned and operated extended hours pharmacy. We work with various agencies to provide medication and its management to both physically and intellectually disabled clients.We also specialise in providing incontinence products to these clients. We are able to deliver to the local Newcastle region.
Disability Area of Interest:
ABIAutism Level 1Cerebral PalsyDevelopmental DelayDown SyndromeHearing LossIntellectualMultiple SclerosisMuscular DystrophyNeurological/EpilepsyPhysicalPsychosocial/Mental HealthSpinal Cord InjuryStrokeVision Impairment
Our Locations:
New Lambton, NSW 2305 (Head Office)
257 Lambton Road
New Lambton
NSW 2305
Tel: +61249571405