Our Services:
Speech therapy, occupational therapy, youth counselling, behaviour management and counselling, mental health services, carer services, kids groups, supported playgroup, ndis support coordination, exercise physiology, financial counselling and utility vouchers, financial assistance for families with members with Down Syndrome and groups. Behaviour workshops. We provide services in Macarthur, Camden, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee local government areas and other areas by negotiation.
Disability Area of Interest:
ABIAutism Level 1Cerebral PalsyDevelopmental DelayDown SyndromeHearing LossIntellectualMultiple SclerosisMuscular DystrophyNeurological/EpilepsyPhysicalPsychosocial/Mental HealthSpinal Cord InjuryStrokeVision Impairment
Our Locations:
Tahmoor, NSW 2573 (Head Office)
6 Harper close Tahmoor 2573
NSW 2573
Tel: 0246832776